About Me

Hello, YOU!!!

Thanks for reading my blogs, watching my vids, downloading my "printies" (printable minis), and helping build our little "crea-munity" (creative community) here.

My name is Pia, but please call me ppodd!! (pronounced: "p pod" as in "pea(s) in a pod") because that's what we creatives are. We have similar things to make, build, and share, but with our own sense of style and flair. That rhymed - so I guess I'm a rapper, too! (Well... I did spit two raps a while ago - Ugly Girls Anthem and Where Are You Now, so I sorta really am a rapper....[insert crickets]).

I typically create 1:12 scale (dollhouse) miniatures because I don't have the space to store 1:6 scale (playscale) minis! If I had my 'druthers - I'd do Barbie minis. But I DO love dollhouses and always have, so it's no disappointment for me to work in 12th scale. I love them both.

I also LOVE HSN (the Home Shopping Network). My favorite hosts are Marlo Smith, Suzanne Runyan, Adam Freeman, Amy Morison, and Guy Yovan. Who are your fav hosts?? Anyway, watching HSN satisfies my craving for all things crafty (especially when they have their 24hr Crafting shows -*drool*) and their products give me tons of ideas for minis to make, hence the name "Today's Special Minis." If you watch you know that each day they have a new Today's Special and I thought, "Huh! Wouldn't it be cool to do some Today's Specials in miniature?!" And a blog was born. But I don't limit my minis to just HSN items. I'm inspired by the many tutorials I watch on You Tube and around the web. There are many "tuts" (tutorials) that I plan to create giving them MY unique creative twist. And for you QVC peeps, I watch that, too, and will probably do some minis from there as well.

And just FYI - I don't have set or "regular schedule" for creating, uploading, or filming. I know many artists do and they can create things like that. I'm more free-spirited than that and create by inspiration - not obligation. I don't have a designated craft space, I'm not always "in the mood to make," and sometimes I don't have the resources or supplies I need - so my time/desire/ability to create minis fluctuates. My style of tutorials/teaching is a bit different as well - I don't always do super detailed step-by-steps. I do what I call "quick and dirty" minis. That doesn't mean my minis don't take time - they do. That means I create by trial and error - a lot of trials and a lot of errors, lol. And I encourage you to do the same. It's the best way to really know that you know that you know what you're doing. And, tbh, you have to be willing to fail (sometimes, people, c'mon!) in order to succeed. Learning to create minis is like learning to cook - after you watch all the videos, buy all the products, read all the books, take all the notes, and hyper organize your "she-shed," "she-space," "woman-cave," "nut-hut" (or whatev you call your craft space) - you just gotta roll up your sleeves and start making something. There are many ways to make minis and you may find that you discover a better, easier, faster, or cheaper way for you to do something and it may even be worth sharing with others - so have at it!

The world limits you enough. Don't. Limit. Yourself. 

JUST TRY. Have fun and don't judge your work too harshly - they're handmade minis for your own enjoyment, m'kay. They'll never end up in the Smithsonian or the Louvre or MOMA. And if you use anything I've created and shared - please give me a shout out, link back to the specific tutorial you used so others can try it, too, and leave me some encourcomments! (encouraging comments). I'm open to praise and criticism provided each is given thoughtfully and appropriately. I may agree or disagree with you and - that's okay.

Now that we've taken care of the housekeeping - go read some posts and let's get into it!

(p.s. I sometimes make up words. Just flow with me, people!)

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